In case you get the nagging feeling that her demeanor might be hiding the fact that she wants you, keep an eye out for these clues. Many a guy has face-palmed himself after getting home and realizing the offer for ‘coffee upstairs’ that they declined was never actually about coffee. Therefore a guy needs to be extra keen if they are thinking of taking a girl home after a date. Naturally, women are shy when it comes to sexual matters, and will not easily express their feelings. Women will hint at their desires in the form of signs and expect you to figure out for yourself that they want to be more than just friends, or better yet, they want you to take them home. A woman will randomly leave certain signs that she wants to be more than friends, and at times the signs might just mean you are getting friend-zoned! It’s equally hard for most men to know if a girl wants them, considering the subtle and inconsistent signs they get from women, which can be downright confusing. It’s extremely hard for women or men to admit that they like or want someone from the opposite sex, and worst of all on the first date.